Frabella's Founder

We thought it was more than about time that we introduce you to the brains behind the magic. Meet Angela - soap connoisseur and beloved goat mother!
What is your favourite thing about being a business owner?
In all honesty, when I’m working on Frabella, I’m doing something that I love. I have the freedom to be creative and share what I’m working on with, not only the people around me, but anyone in the world who comes across Frabella Soaps.
What is something that you’re passionate about and why?
Growing our own food and becoming self-sufficient. It’s good for our health because we know where our food has come from, trust that nothing has been treated with chemicals and that all animals had a full and happy life. It’s also good for reducing our carbon footprints and looking after the environment that we live in.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I really wanted to be a vet and help animals. But, it turns out I didn’t have the blood for it.
Was there ever a time that you wanted to quit? How did you overcome this.
No, not at all. Quitting has never even crossed my mind. When you’re passionate about something, giving up is never an option.
How do you personally define business success?
To me, business success is running a profitable AND environmentally sustainable business. Although money keeps things afloat, to me, success is running a business with strong ethics. I want to support, not only our staff and their families, but the wider community, with opportunities, sharing, education and general help to strengthen future generations.
Do you have any cute or funny stories about the Frabella goats?
There are SO many - it’s hard to narrow it down, but I do have a couple that come to mind.
One time, my partner came home to the buck sitting on the couch in the lounge. To this day we have absolutely zero clue how he got there. And yes, it took weeks to get the smell out…
Also, trying to take selfies with the goats in general is always entertaining. It literally never turns out well. So many want to eat my ears, my hair, even the camera. It’s like working with children honestly!
What is your top tip to achieving a healthy work life balance?
I know it sounds cliche but doing what you love is key to helping with a work life balance. Find time for yourself, something you enjoy. Personally, I love working on the farm. Sometimes it’s just me, sometimes with the kids, the goats, the sheep or the dogs in tow. But either way, when I’m up there with the goats it doesn’t feel like work - I truly enjoy it.
I also achieve work-life balance by doing something that is truly rewarding. In a nutshell, I love planting vegetables and herbs, and watching them grow over time.